
Articles about our dogs and how to care for them.

bulldog breed show dog wearing a blue ribbon to illustrate IRS Hobby Loss Rules

IRS Hobby Loss Rules: Proving Your Show Dog Passion Is a Profitable Pursuit

For many dog enthusiasts, the love for their best friend extends far beyond companionship. Some have taken their passion further by entering prized canines in shows and competitions. Those who pursue this as a legitimate business, understanding IRS hobby loss rules is a must. The Internal Revenue Service takes a serious interest in distinguishing between […]

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shetland sheepdog with trophy re hobby loss rules

Avoiding Hobby Loss Rules, A Guide for Show Dog Owners

In an elegant office adorned with canine-themed artwork and rows of trophies, a certified public accountant (CPA) sat down for an enlightening conversation with a passionate show dog owner. The topic? Navigating the intricate realm of hobby loss rules and the crucial steps required to elevate the beloved pastime of showcasing canine companions at national

Avoiding Hobby Loss Rules, A Guide for Show Dog Owners Read More »

A CPA’s Insight to Estate Planning for Your Pets

CPA shares key considerations when establishing a pet trust to provide for your furry companions’ care if you pass first, including legal aspects, choosing a reliable trustee and guardian, creating enforceable instructions for daily care and medical needs, properly funding the trust based on pet expected lifespan and costs, handling ongoing administration and taxes, and contingency planning.

A CPA’s Insight to Estate Planning for Your Pets Read More »

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